
The Kanton Campaign for Kids

Hello dear readers, and happy holidays!

Emily Mead, a local high school student, is sponsoring a campaign for the children on Kanton Island. When the expedition team visited the Kanton Island school, the students gave us a list of items that they need. In the spirit of the holiday season, I encourage you to donate!

Items (or funds for items) can be dropped off or mailed to the New England Aquarium, attn: Regen Jamieson, Conservation Department; 1 Central Wharf, Boston, MA 02110.

Photos of the Kanton Island school and kids (photos: L. Madin)

Emily's summary and list are as follows:

Kanton is the only inhabited island out of the eight that make up the Phoenix Islands. The Phoenix Islands are located in the country of Kiribati. Kiribati is in between Australia and California. Kiribati includes 33 islands in three different island groups, 277 square miles of land, in 2 million square miles of the Pacific Ocean. The Phoenix Islands include 11 square miles of land. The Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA), including its archipelago and surrounding waters, is 157,626 square miles, making it the largest protected area in the world and about the size of California. Kanton is included in this area, and needs your help. The teachers of the school on Kanton requested some materials, to educate their students more and teach them about the oceans surrounding them. So, by helping them in any way makes a big impact. We greatly appreciate your generosity, and happy holidays!

Materials Requested:


Pencils & Pens


Poems & Songs

Posters of the internal and external parts of fish

Posters of types of fish and reefs

Wall clock


Thank you!

Items (or funds for items) can be dropped off or mailed to the New England Aquarium, attn: Regen Jamieson, Conservation Department; 1 Central Wharf, Boston, MA 02110.


  1. Well that sounds pretty cool. Sounds like they need the basics. If I send a check in, will the aquarium purchase items that haven't been already donated or will Emily do that?

  2. Thanks for your inquiry! Yes, if you would like to donate funds we will purchase any remaining items for the school in Kanton. Please make your check out to "New England Aquarium" and make certain you include a note stating that it is for “The (PIPA) Kanton Campaign for Kids”. You may also call our development office at 617-226-2134 with a credit card if you wish.

    The deadline for donations is March 1, 2010.
